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imageArtisTech is working in collaboration with ARL to bring a Co-Evolutionary Genetic Algorithm plan generation/evaluation capability to bear on the critical problem of Factional Warfighting.  This system consists of ARL’s Genetic Algorithm plan generator.  The Plan Assessor employs an advanced technology developed by ArtisTech called WOPR (Wargame Operation Processor).  WOPR is composed of two fundamental parts, the Constraint Solver and the Wargame Processor.  The Wargame Processor takes one output of the Genetic Algorithm, (one plan per faction), and plays out the scenario as a discrete event wargame, using the Constraint Satisfaction system to flesh-out the detailed event parameters.  The Wargame Processor walks through the steps of the faction’s plans in event timespace, selecting the appropriate constraints to apply.  Factional Plan elements, and force statuses are passed to the Constraint Solver to process in context.  All status details are maintained to facilitate review by human planners and scoring by the machine.  The scoring system is highly reconfigurable to support the experimentation needs of ARL.
WOPR is a key technology since it sequences disparate factional plans, reducing them to force-on-force actions for which there are many applicable analytic models and simulations. 

We are currently testing, and extending the Knowledge Engineering (KE) based on our extensive DARPA-COAA experience.  We are re-using KE to extend the missions and actions that actors (friendly, enemy, and other…) can use in their plans.  WOPR is a key technology to make possible analytic simulation-based assessment of proposed friendly plans, or possible enemy/3rd-party plans.  WOPR’s factional plan assessment capabilities are designed to provide useful action suggestions and warnings to the War-fighting team lead.

